We're not opening the Temple this year

Written byMohamed AlaouionSept. 2 2024
We're not opening the Temple this year

🚨 We'll be answering all article-related questions with Flo on my Twitch channel on Tuesday, September 3 at 11am.


Hello doers.‍


We waited until everyone was back from vacation and we were sure of our decision to announce it to you... because it wasn't easy for us. ‍


For those who stopped by our last event of the season, my Twitch lives and the regulars who often come to the offices, we've talked about it a tiny bit...‍


Today, through this article we're making it official: The Temple of Entrepreneurship won't be opening its doors... and we're sincerely sorry about that.‍


We're sorry because we know this place was long-awaited by the community.‍The vision of this place, we sold it to our community, our partners and ourselves. ‍


This place, which entrepreneurs need to come together would have been the β€œhome” for entrepreneurs in France and Europe.‍


The home of those who do everything to get there, who do their utmost and take all the risks to achieve their goals even if it's complicated.‍For us, it's an admission of failure... and once again, sorry. ‍


Failures and difficulties have been with us throughout the Flomodia adventure.‍There hasn't been a month in 3 years without failure and diffilculty... because that's the reality of entrepreneurship.‍


But...‍This one hurts, very much.‍It hurts because part of the responsibility doesn't fall on us... and looking back, there are things we could have avoided.


Red flags we could have seen.‍


But we didn't.‍It hurts too because it's a public failure.‍Most of our failures were done in the shadows and didn't involve 276 people who invested 50,000€ with us in a crowdfunding campaign nor dozens of partners who financed most of this Temple. ‍

It hurts because it's also 9 months of non-stop work only to end up back at square one with a huge financial loss as a bonus.‍


This project almost took Flomodia with it.‍


Everything we'd done over 3 years was going to disappear because we failed.‍Happily for us, we've got a killer community, golden partners and a more than benevolent network. ‍


This was a project we were carrying out with all those people with whom we believed in ourselves and in this place.‍


We still remember the crowdfunding campaign in which we managed to raise 50,000€ during our crowdfunding when nobody believed in it.‍


But you did.‍


The community trusted us.

The partners trusted us.

The service providers trusted us... and yet, it ends in failure.


Despite the fact that it's a failure, there's one thing you can be sure of: we gave it our all and took on as much as we could to make sure we could open this place.In the end, the only way out for us was to let the project fall through for now if we didn't want to sink the whole of Flomodia with it.


Construction is a real game of its own, and we learned that the hard way.‍


As mentioned, there were several external factors that made it a failure, but here we're not going to dwell on the details and take our responsibilities.‍


In the end, the story ends β€œwell” when it could have ended even worse. ‍It ends well thanks in particular to the management of Wacano, whom we sincerely thank, who were able to take their share of responsibility with us.‍


We've known that the Temple of Entrepreneurship wouldn't see the light of day since June... and we're only announcing it now.‍


The reason for this is simple: we were just waiting to find solutions.‍It's not our style to arrive with a problem without the solution to go with it.


Before I share the solution with you I want to be clear about one thing: ALL crowdfunding contributors will receive their counterparties + a bonus I'll talk about a little below.‍


Whether it's parties, dinners or merch.‍


Concerning brands and contributors on the counterparties at +2k€ (for those we haven't gotten on the phone yet because of the vacations) we're going to treat you too. ‍


The only quid pro quo that can't be guaranteed is the one linked to the photo on the Temple wall.


For that, we're going to create a section on our site in which we'll put all the contributors with photos, backlink and link to LinkedIn profile.


What's next for Flomodia


Flomodia's ambition never changes.‍


The goal is always to inspire, educate and entertain entrepreneurs.‍


With the Temple, the aim was to make that even more concrete with a place of our own, made to enable us to carry out the mission. ‍


When the Temple project fell through and the first doers heard about it, they made us realize something important...‍


Something we'd forgotten about over the last few months.‍What drives and makes Flomodia strong isn't just having a physical location. ‍


It's not for the Temple itself that the community has contributed... but it's for the value of the content we can share and the connections we manage to create.‍


Today, if it's not yet done in a physical place, it can be done another way... it can be done online. ‍


We've already shown what we're capable of in terms of face-to-face events... and now, in addition to what we're going to continue to do face-to-face, we're going to show that it's possible to create the same thing online.‍


For that, we're launching the Flomodia Pass.‍


We talked about it during the crowdfunding, announcing that we were going to continue to do free stuff because it's important to us.


It's important for us to empower everyone who wants to succeed by making our content and events accessible to all.‍It's also important for us to do more for those who want more.


This Flomodia Pass will give you:


- Access to the Flomodia member area on our website

- Exclusive access to private online events with speakers from all over the world

- Access to exclusive content on business, entrepreneurship, mindset etc... from the best experts, without the bullshit

- Privileged access to speakers after each eventExclusive access to private deals, benefits and discounts with partners

- Exclusive access to LIVES at our events

- Exclusive access to a community of ambitious entrepreneurs to create a solid network on Discord

- Exclusive access to our private clubs within the community

- Discounts on our paid private eventsAccess to freelancers and companies in the community



To launch the Flomodia Pass, we're launching a β€œVALUETHON”.‍


A mix between β€œValue” and β€œMarathon”.‍


For 3 days, you'll get talks delivered by experts on our Discord.


3 days of pure value.3 days of online events on the new Flomodia Discord with +20 speakers who'll be there just to share their expertise with you... all for free.


From Monday, September 23 morning until Wednesday, September 25 evening.


During the VALUETHON we're also back with our face-to-face events.


On Tuesday at 5:30pm, there'll be a face-to-face event on SaaS in which we'll be talking about no-code and code (broadcast live on the Discord too for those who can't make it).


Besides, it's a new event format we're offering and I'll tell you about it right after.


To take part in this VALUETHON, you only need to register once to attend all the events, it's over here:


πŸ‘‰ SΓ©curiser ma place


As for the price of the Flomodia Pass, it will be €70 ex-VAT per month... except for the first 100.‍


The first 100 to take out the Flomodia Pass will be able to have it at €49 ex-VAT per month, as an annual payment.‍


For those who have contributed to crowdfunding, there will be one or more months offered depending on the amount of the contribution.


The new event format


For our face-to-face events, we thought about a new, more relevant model.‍


Now that we're offering several events a week online, we needed to rework the format of our face-to-face events.‍


From now on, there won't be small events every week... there'll be one big event a month on a single theme. ‍


You come once and you get 3x the value.‍


Our events will have several cards and will mostly be in this format:


1 β†’ 1st talk,

2 β†’ 2nd talk,

3 β†’ Round table or interview.‍


The next event in this format is already online and there are still a few places available here:

πŸ‘‰ Get my ticket


The next themes we'll be tackling are e-commerce (October), web 3 (November) and content creation (December).


To conclude


These last few months have been very hard for Flomodia.‍


The adventure could have ended countless times... but with Flo we're really stubborn.‍


In the project, we lost not far from 100,000€ and 9 months of work.‍


This kind of thing sinks you a young company like ours. ‍


We see it as a learning experience.‍In addition to having learned, we've managed to find solutions and bounce back so as not to disappoint the community we've created over the last few years.‍


This project was a small step backwards that will enable us to bounce back better, we're convinced. ‍


There are quite a few avenues of thought for us at the moment, we haven't said our last word for this place that may see the light of day one day.‍


Thank you to everyone who sends us strength.‍


Without your strength, there is no Flomodia.


It's you who show what a real community is and how important it is to have one.‍


Now that it's finally been announced, all we have to do is get back to the work.


You can count on us for the next few months.






Mo & Flo

